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Monday, 25 June 2012

Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine

Caitlin has been an only child since the death of her brother Devon. Somehow, no one else seems to understand her. No one else seems to be able to answer her questions. With her dad always crying, her mum   not to be seen and Devon gone, the world in a confusing place. When she reads about closure in the dictionary she is convinced that it will make things better... But are things always black and white?

Mockingbird is insightful novel that gives you an amazing understanding of Asperger's syndrome, it's impacts and how you can overcome it. It also finds time to give you a look into the terrible, life ruining effects of death and how it tears everyone involved a part. Overall, this book made experiences many have not been through seem real. Although it brought a tear to your eye, the amount of hope Caitlin held was incredible. The story was true to life and you could really feel her emotions. An amazing book!

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