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Tuesday 10 April 2012

Between Shades of Grey by Ruta Sepetys

'Between Shades of Gray'
Imagine one night you were lying in bed, and a knock on the door changed everything...

Lina is a fifteen year old artist, she's been old a great future of drawing lies before her. But when she, her mother and her younger brother are separated from her father and sent to a Siberian prison camp, tortured, threatened, half starved, thrown into holes, forced to sleep in cattle cars and worked to the bone you wold think her future is lost. But through art, love, hope, honour, a not so terrible prison guard and a boy she hardly knows, but doesn't want to lose; Lina wonders, could there be a ray of sunshine between shades of grey?

Unforgettable, heart-wrenching and hopeful, this book had it all. I have read this book at least four times and I never tire of it. I perfectly understand why this book was short-listed for the Carnegie medal and would recommend this book to any teen because in my opinion, this is a story everyone should know.

First published at:

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